Excellent story, Bob. It was a believable (within the L&C universe, of course) plot line and you executed it very well. The exploration of the devastation wrought by the Nightfall fragments was very well done, although you could develop that more in the sequel if you chose to do so. And I liked the way you developed the rebuilt relationship between Clark and Lois.

I really liked how Lois, despite her own losses, didn't turn to Clark for total support when he was emotionally open and vulnerable. She helped to build him back up before she allowed herself to open up and return his love. You showed Lois to be strong, independent, confident, and wise. Good job.

Ann wrote:
(Jonathan and Martha's) reappearance detracted from what I thought was a wonderful premise of this fic, namely the idea that Clark was almost totally dependent on Lois for his continued well-being, and indeed, for his very identity.
Shame on you, Ann! You're wishing for the very thing you would have condemned (and have condemned) had Lois been almost totally dependent on Clark for her continued well-being, and indeed, for her very identity. You've described co-dependence very well, and neither Lois nor Clark should be that dependent on the other. A healthy romantic relationship consists of two people who freely choose to commit to each other, not one who controls the other and on whom the other is totally dependent.

That being said, Bob, you really, really need to let us know where Jonathan and Martha have been for all these weeks. I'm sure you have an excellent explanation and I'm ready to hear it.

Although I understand why you didn't want them in the story. You were using Lois and the other residents of Metropolis (including Lex) to rebuild Clark's sense of self, and you did a good job with it. It makes sense that you wouldn't want Clark's past interfering with the reassembly of his present and his future. But now you have a great opportunity for some real angst. Clark doesn't remember us? wails Martha. Son, don't you know us? pleads Jonathan. That will be very interesting to read. Now Lois will get to help Clark rebuild a part of his past, too, now that the present and the future are taken care of.

Thumbs up, Bob! And think about stuff like this more often.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing