Originally posted by Tank:
The one quibble I have with the story is, that once Clark knows he was Superman he didn't feel more responsible for all the death and destruction that happened....Clark/Superman has always been the King of 'if only I had...'
I liked the way this was handled. This Clark has a different sort of baggage.

Canon Clark had spend years not doing things because of his secret and built up enough guilt to last two life times. So even after he because Superman all that old guilt was still sitting there. Picture a see-saw with a concrete block on one side. Hard to achieve balance.

Thus canon Clark always felt guilty and clearly even after accepting that logically he was not at fault the emotion remained.

This Clark doesn't have that guilt, so starts off in a better place. As far as he knows he started helping and didn't stop till he was almost killed.

Without all the back drama he is able to emotionally accept that the blame lies with Lex Luthor.

Lois and Clark had been actively discussing the options for the reappearance of Superman, but so far all of the ideas sounded unattractive.
If we assume that his powers come back but not completely or at full strength than it might be better is Superman does not return.

I'd like to see a sequel set 17 to 18 years in the future, (17+1993=2010) when the next generation of Kents begins to fly but I'd happily accept an epilogue.

Well done part, very well done tale.

Originally posted by Terry Leatherwood:
you have a great opportunity for some real angst. Clark doesn't remember us? wails Martha. Son, don't you know us? pleads Jonathan.
Yet another good reason for the sequel or epilogue being set 17 years later.
