It's amazing how a single thought can morph into an epic, isn't it? I can also appreciate how difficult it can be to knit the scenes you *WANT* to include with the ones you *HAVE* to have for the story to flow.

I've also had the fortune to discover your other substantive L&C works, "Luck and Consequences" and "Ultrawoman", and couldn't help but notice your "Super" intense focus on the L&C relationship. (I tend to a bit of softy there). I was also thrilled to discover an "aggressive verisimilitude" in your work, revealing the science behind the powers and actions of Superman or explaining the deviations from laws of physics.

This one looks like it was a more difficult premise to deal with than your earlier work. While the earlier stuff was arguably primarily relationship puff pieces, this one required more plot and more attention to action. Those aspects of the story couldn't just be mentioned in passing. You rose to the challenge, and any quibbles I may have with the story are easily forgotten and hardly worth mentioning. Well done.
