One detail that hasn't yet been mentioned: I'm assuming that you meant the word "pudding" to be a parallel to "meat," "vegetable," and "beverage." In that case, the word which Lois's American brain would have provided would be "dessert" rather than "pudding." A sweet muffin can be a dessert in America, but it can't be a pudding. That's because in America pudding is a specific type of dessert made from milk. It's like a custard. It's served in a bowl and eaten with a spoon like chocolate mousse.
Excellent point. I did not understand the word "pudding" to be generic, but as referring to a specific dessert. I was surprised when the "pudding" turned out to be a dryish muffin. But then I just assumed "pudding" on Krypton was different than "pudding" on Earth. huh "Dessert" would, indeed, be Lois's word to parallel "meat", "vegetable", and "beverage", if that's what was intended.

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