
I have horribly little time to comment, but I want to say that it is natural for a human adult, even a totally inexperienced and innocent adult, to react to a drawing of a couple making love. There are enough deep-seated instincts inside us - Rac called it a biological imperative - to respond to images of lovemaking when we see it.

I loved how Kal realized what the lovemaking picture was - an image of how babies are made, and an image of what he wanted to do with Lois. I also loved Kal's sweetness and deep respect for Lois here - no matter how much he wanted to do this with Lois, he couldn't do it unless she wanted to do it with him.

I can see that there are good reasons for Lois to accept Kal's proposal of marriage, and I realize, too, that Kal can't divorce Za just like that. The consequences for Za might be grievous. For all of that, I wonder what it might be like for Lois to be Kal's "special wife" instead of his "only wife". Imagine, once a month he would have to leave Lois's bed to go away somewhere and produce a "sample" while Lord Nor was watching him. Horrible!!!! And while I agree with those who think that Nor has probably been throwing away Kal's "samples" until now, that may change if Kal marries Lois. Perhaps Nor will want to create tensions in Kal's marriage to Lois, so that he decides to give Za the samples after all. Imagine Kal finding himself having two pregnant wives at the same time! I wouldn't wish that situation on Lois.
