Carol Thanks for you comments. Re Kal not noticing - he hasn't had to come to this part of the Law for 10 years - there are no disputes about the S.R's right to marry and take concubines.

Kathy I'm so glad you think the fic is holding up. With everything else going on in my life, I was worried the fic would slip. Thanks!

Kathryn Hi Kathryn! Great to hear from you. Glad to hear you're on holiday. Thanks for leaving FDK.

Vicki So glad the story is still holding your interest.

Yes - I went through Kingston, although it was an overnight bus and I was either writing or asleep because I missed it blush . But it wasn't your Kingston anyway, was it?

We are now in Montreal for a couple of weeks, so there will be more time to write and more opportunity for internet access. Yes - I'm having a great time with my daughter!

Sarah Thanks - I know the feeling of 'should' vs 'want to'!!

Laura Thanks for your FDK. As for an nfic section, I'm still undecided ... maybe a add-on part after I've finished this fic. goofy

Thanks for all your FDK, Michael.

Emma Thanks for your in-depth FDK!

I loved this bit
I can see why it would be a little scary for Kal too, but his conclusions are well thought out. He isn't stupid after all, it's easy to confuse naivety with a lack of intelligence. And he's considerate enough to realise it has to be a mutual thing.
I have tried so hard not to portray Kal as stupid - in fact, he is far from it. There are gaps in his knowledge certainly, but he doesn't lack intelligence.

Part 18 grew to 5500 words - so I've adjusted my chapter breaks. 18 will still include Kal's secret and hopefully will be posted soon.

Thanks again.
