More FDK hyper

cookiesmom Thanks for your comments. Welcome aboard! I hope you enjoy the ride.

Kathy Thanks for making an exception and reading an unfinished fic. smile

Language is going to play a big part in this fic - I didn't consciously set out to achieve that ... in fact, until I read your comment, I didn't realise just how central it is.

Thanks for the 'Shus-Tel's Paddock' suggestion ... I'm still mulling over that one.

Amber Thanks for reading and leaving FDK.

Happy Girl Thanks for your comments.

I'm looking forward to seeing Lois's fire meet Kal-El's ice.
Oooh - perfectly put. I hadn't thought of it in those terms, but I love it.

Pedendang Welcome!!

Thanks for reading and leaving feedback.

I was a little bit confused about one thing, though: I can hardly imagine Lois not immediately realizing that she's not on Earth anymore. The fact that she would even entertain the notion that this might be *Africa* rings very untrue to me, given that she is an educated woman, and a genuinely smart one at that.
She considered Africa because of its remoteness, but immediately dismissed it because her 'hosts' were not 'different' enough to be Africans.

The people she encountered all have one head, two legs, two eyes, one mouth etc ... they are roughly her size, they are male and female ... they look human - they don't look like ET. They communicate - with a strange language, but not through any 'alien' means, they walk - don't gravitate, they wear clothes - unusual in style, but recognisable as clothing rather than metallic 'spacesuits', they eat food - not hi-tech pills.

Kal has - within a few degrees - the same colour hair, eyes and skin as Lois.

I think there are enough similarities for even a smart person to think she has landed in a remote country on Earth, rather than another planet.

However, I appreciate you raising something that didn't make sense to you - thanks. To be honest, the white, English-speaking, very-American looking 'Kryptonians' on LnC never made sense to me!

Artemis Thanks for the suggestion - yes, they are militaristic!

Thanks everyone.

Part 2 is almost ready. Part 7 is with my BR.
