How intriguing! I can't wait to see where this goes next.

To respond a little to the other feedback--

It makes sense that Lois would be in normal clothes. Astronauts wear normal clothes when they're in the ship. Space suits are only for space walks. And, since the escape pod is for emergencies, it has to be pressurized, etc. because there wouldn't be time to don a suit.

I hope Robinson won't mind me saying that I think it is reading into things to call this Kal-El already smitten with Lois. I haven't seen evidence of that yet, although we all expect it, given the title. He seems more curious and intrigued. He is protecting her, but that could be because he is just, not smitten. And he respects her boldness, but also not the same as smitten yet.

One does wonder what the brand means--obviously she belongs to him, but in what capacity? Property? Servant? Concubine? Simply under his protection?

I loved the detail of how alien the languages truly are to each other. And how Lois doesn't realize yet that she is not on Earth.

This is the harsh New Kryptonian environment that Ching told Lois and Clark about. We can understand how such an environment would breed a stoic Kal-El. I'm looking forward to seeing Lois's fire meet Kal-El's ice.

And I loved Lois calling him the Top Banana. laugh

This *is* my happily ever after.