Very interesting beginning. I like it a lot and agree with Terry; the premise isn't too strange. Hey, if we can believe that a pair of glasses and some hair gel would really fool Lois Lane for two years, we can believe anything.

I am very curious about the brand. Did Kal-El think it necessary to keep Lois from being dissected like a frog or studied like an alien life form or somethin... oh. Right.

Anyway, I'm very curious about which of them will try to learn the other language first. Clark is the linguist in the show, but maybe Lois Lane will figure out Kryptonian first. Or, maybe with the telepathy, they won't need to talk. Non-verbal communication. laugh

And Terry?
Will Lois develop any strange powers from the red sun?
Stay out of my head. I've been working on that story (on and off) for a couple of years now. Do you really want to spoil the surprise?

More soon, please.