Very cool beginning.

Let's see. No Superman, so Clark must have ended up on New Krypton (since the place is arid and unappealing). He's the Lord High Banana and Lois has now been branded as his property. Yeah, like she's going to sit still for that!

The idea that the Mars mission went south and sent Lois through a wormhole to New Krypton is just as believable as Clark's ship going through a wormhole on its journey from Krypton to Earth. I wouldn't worry about the setup; we readers are used to believing several impossible things before breakfast at least twice a week.

Who is that older woman? Not likely it's Clark's mom Lara, unless her place in the household involves training and placing new servants. And is there a threat of war here? Is Nor a menace? Is this new visitor going to throw the political structure into turmoil? Will the spaceship be analyzed, its point of origin found, and Earth colonized? Will Lois develop any strange powers from the red sun?

Nice start! I want to read more.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing