Hello everyone!

Hi Woody! Eeep! Chainsaw men? Yikes. <DJ holds up two fingers... I do solemnly swear not to...>

<g> Thanks Woody!

Hi Jojo! Hah! Don't you dare try to pretend that didn't happen. <snort> I had already had this in the works, (since it was a real part to the story, I already had it written) and that PM solidified it for me. <g> Well, I'm glad you're enjoying me yanking your chain. Thanks Jojo!

Oooh, hi again Ann! In your honor, I will name the next part, part 24/23. <g> Even without any chocolate (because let's face it, you keep feeding me that and I'm gonna look awful in a bathing suit this summer.) :p Ooooh, thanks for the smoochies, Ann. <g>

Hi Catherine! I'm glad you've enjoyed the story. I actually didn't realize I had you for a reader! So, yay! Thanks for the lurv. <g>

Hi Laurach! LOL. <pat, pat> Thanks for the "well written though". <g>

Hi Tank! I'm so glad you've enjoyed the ride. That means a lot. And LOL at your reaction - oh no, I've read all this way to get hit with sequel? But, oh, how sweet of you to say that another long fic by me would be a good thing. Awwwww. No, I wouldn't have tortured everyone with Deter. As much as I can tolerate Dan... I HATE Deter. <g> Oooooh, I think Lois yelling out at this point "gotcha" would be really, really cruel. <g> Thanks for the fdk!

Hi Jen! LOL! Your neighbors will wonder for years to come about that *thunder*. <snort> WOW! I'm speechless! You drove 20 minutes to find internet so you could post? <blush> Thanks Jen. And "anything I want"? <Babbles breaks out a writing pad and begins making demands> LOL. Thanks Jen!

Hah, Kristen! Yes, I suppose when she first woke up and didn't recognize him... she could have said "gotcha"... although now I think that would just be too cruel. <g>

Hi Pam! I know <DJ hangs her head - bad, DJ, bad> Eeeeep! I can't post it "right now" - my co-writer is still taking her stab at it. But I promise it will be soon... within 1 to 2 days... oh, I do, I feel so ashamed. <smacks herself> Thanks for the fdk Pam. <g>

Hi Laura S! LOL... I could just see you in my mind getting more and more nervous as you went. <g> I will have the final ending posted soon. Thanks for the fdk Laura!

Hi Nancy! Oooooh, look at all this fdk. Okay, I've skimmed your response and I'm going to take some time here to address what you've said...

Why couldn't Clark have melted the wires with his heat vision? Knox was in the way. Once Clark realized what was going on, Knox had started backing away from him toward Lois and he was in the way. <shrug> Plus, Knox was watching him closely... if he had yanked his glasses down and stared at that battery and then all the sudden the thing quit working, when it had been working perfectly before....

But good point. Maybe I should go back and clarify that Knox moved to stand between Clark and Lois.

LOL. Poor Scardino.

Actually, no, Babbles is no longer in her morbid mood. This scene had pretty much been written since the beginning... only sketchy, mind you, and a few details got changed here or there... but...

Hmmmm.... guess I missed that challenge. I don't remember a challenge like that. <shrug>

Oh, DJ (and Sue). It was still a terrible place to end a story.
Well, as I said, we didn't actually "end" the story there. There is more. Yes, I still would have ended the "part" there... but you should know by now that Sue and I are well known for cliffhangers. <g>

Well, gosh. Some people might actually think they’ve read the end, then. Some people never leave feedback and so probably won’t see this note.
I hope that is not the case. However, I added the "NOT" to the the ending (The End.....NOT) fairly soon after I posted it. I would think the "NOT" would clue most people in on what was going on.

Well, that’s good, but I was thinking it might be months before we saw the ‘ending’ or the ‘next story’.
Oh heavens no! I'm not THAT mean! Make everyone wait 2 months for the ending? Yikes! The chainsaw men really would come after me then. And as for another story... it won't be necessary and I think Babbles might kill me if I even thought about it. <g>

Hmm... Yes, torture. Torture is bad. Daggonit, I killed her off in my epic and for four years she knew pretty much the exact date she was going to die... and she didn’t suffer like this.
I don't know. That sounds like torture to me, Nancy. If I knew what date I was going to die on for four long excruciating years... And I knew I was going to lose my wonderful husband (to another woman) and there was nothing I could do to stop it from happening. <me cries> Well in my mind that's pretty awful. wink Maybe you didn't write the strong emotions of what Lois was feeling about it... but I can imagine them. <g>

Tank Ending Defined: A sudden and bizarre fake ending to a fic, usually filled with WHAMs and/or black humour. Named after the originator, Tank Wilson.

I considered my ending Tank because it fit 2 of the criteria -- It was sudden... the story ended without all the loose ends being tied up or people really understanding what happened, and that also made it bizarre. It was definitely filled with WHAMs... just not black humour.

Now, where my "tank ending" differs, is that it is an actual part of the story. All I basically did was pretend to end the story one chapter too early. The next part will pick up where this one left off... but don't fret... there is an easy explanation. You'll see.

I'm glad you weren't angry... and I was actually surprised you were upset. I could have sworn back at the beginning of this story, when I was asking you questions and telling you some things that I told you I was probably going to try my hand at a Tank Ending. That I had never written one before and I wanted to try one. And I further seemed to remember that you told me I should try it. I thought you said you had tried a Tank Ending once and that I should try it. Now, of course, I could be wrong... I could have dreamed the whole thing. But I was totally expecting this not to surprise you at all - because I thought you knew it was coming.

perhaps a note at the bottom saying it wasn’t really the end might have been a good thing
But I did put a note! Shortly after posting it (and seeing the panicky fdk) I went back and added "NOT" to the end -- The End...NOT! <shrug>

Yes. It appears I have corrupted Jojo. <g> And it really was partially her fault all along. <g> In her fdk, she kept threatening me with pointy stick men that I couldn't end it like the movie. That Lois had to get her memories back.... <g>

Loved what Pam said. Now do it. Now behave yourself and quit being evil.
<DJ salutes> Yes ma'am! The final ending will be posted soon... and I assure you that the next story I'm working on is pure b-plot and will not involve any physical torture of Lois... mental torture, now that's a whole other matter. <g> Thanks for the fdk, Nancy.

Hi Babsi! I'm coming back. I promise! Soon! Very, very soon!

Thanks again, everyone. I'm a little sad to see this story come to an end. Do you realize I've been posting it for over 4 months? 4 months! Wow! It's my longest story in more than one way - length and time span. Thanks so much for sticking with me for the ride and giving me such wonderful fdk! You guys are the greatest!

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.