Okay DJ and Sue… Let’s see what you have up your sleeve for us. *cries for poor Lois* Maybe now she will finally have some good things happen to her. smile

And then there was pain. So much pain. It threatened to consume her. And she at once realized that this must be what it felt like to die.
Or you know… you guys can just torture the poor woman some more… I guess that will work too. LOL

“Please, live...”
God… this whole scene… whinging

Lois looked up at him and her eyes widened. She jerked her covers up around her and snaked further down under them. “Who? Who are you?” She squinted through the darkness at Clark. “Where am I?” She searched the room, her head turning in jerky movements.
Nonono, she was supposed to keep her memory. whinging

The End.....NOT!
LOL DJ and Sue, you guys are completely evil! I love it! ^_^ Ignore other people on this. Anyone that knows you guys should know by now that you are not going to leave it this way. Can’t wait! ^_~

(P.S. Next time you might want to use the Tank Ending Warning Thread. I think they are hilarious when you don’t know about them ahead of time but apparently people get very upset about them. Then again... I guess I kinda did expect it so maybe that is why it wasn't so much of a shock.) Although I'm still trying to figure out how people got deathfic out that story?

Angry Clark: CLARK SMASH!
Lois: Ork!