Wow, I'm really surprised at the anger in this thread! Not once did I believe this was the true ending to the story. I thought it was the last part, obviously, but when I got to the end and Lois freaked out and there wasn't enough of the story left to resolve it, I knew it was just a joke.

No worries, DJ and Sue. With a story like this, I know you guys wouldn't end it so sadly and so abruptly. Even if it had a sad ending, which I would still read without fuss, I feel like you would give us more closure than this had.

As far as your Tank ending went, I think it was pretty successful judging by the reactions! :p But I'm really excited for the real ending. I'm glad this didn't turn out to be the last part. I wanted a lot more Lois and Clark time than what my side scroll bar said there was story left for.

Anyway, DJ, I caught up with this late and I've been horrible with fdk( blush ), but I have loved every single part. And I think you've done beautifully with each characterization. I think Dan's a hard character to write because there's a fine line between being how he was in the show and making him too cocky and annoying. You did wonderfully, and I don't dislike him too terribly, so good job! thumbsup

Can't wait for the last part!


Joey: If he doesn't like you, then this is all just a moo point.
Rachel: A moo point?
Joey: Yeah, it's like a cow's opinion, you know, it just doesn't matter. It's "moo."
Rachel: Have I been living with him for too long, or did that all just make sense?