peep .................. I was going to try to hold out longer... but I just can't... I really am not THAT mean.


Not done yet - psych!


No seriously, WAIT! Look at "the end"!!!! It has "ellipses" ..... -- did you not see the ellipses!? That was supposed to clue you in that it wasn't really the end!

That and the fact that I didn't do my normal author's notes at the end and the "thank yous"...

<sigh> I'm so mean, I know. I have never written a tank ending before and so I wanted to try my hand at it... but without REALLY writing a true tank ending...

So what I did is pretended to write a tank ending by saying there was only 23 parts when there is actually 24.

There is one more part left!!! I promise. It has been written all along. It is actually in Sue's capable hands right now, as we speak, getting a beta. <g> Fear not gentle readers! Don't kill me yet (or you won't get a chance to read it)....

DJ - <who runs away before they can catch her...>

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.