Hello all. I can now respond properly. I was home sick from work today (running 100 degree fever - just checked it) but I had to run into work for a few minutes to take care of a few things that absolutely had to be done today. But now I'm back home... and thinking I really need some chocolate icecream...

Moving on...

I feel like a naughty little girl for scaring you all like that. <for shame> I really probably deserve 40 lashes with a wet noodle. You can all take turns... unless you want to take pity on me since I'm sick...

<hollers at Sue - are you sure Clark can't come spend the day with me?>

Oh, and that reminds me... any of you who are absolutely furious with me... don't blame this on my co-writer Sue. This "tank ending" thing was my idea from the get go. It didn't help that a couple of people egged me on (one actually dared me) and people in their fdk comments kept sending pointy stick guys at me, saying I'd better not end it like the movie. :p Having said that, though, I never could have done it without Sue. Sue - with you, this story is so so much more than it could have been. <<<HUGS>>> Thank you. (Proper thank yous will be distributed to Sue and the readers in the *real* final ending)

<bad, DJ, bad>

Anyway, poor Carol. <pat, pat> Although you really should know me better than that by now. <g> Do you really think I would invest all the time and energy <not to mention blood, sweat, and tears - snort> into this story to end it that abruptly???

I hope you still want to go back and read the story... but I will admit I was puzzled by your "deathfic" reaction. I thought when you said you were reading the last part first, that you were reading the whole part and not just that last line that said "Lois was gone. Everything was gone." That line didn't mean Lois was dead. She had forgotten Clark... she had forgotten everything -- so in that sense, to Clark, "Lois was gone. Everything was gone."

The abrupt ending was meant to be a "fooled you" ending... but definitely not a deathfic ending. Sorry you didn't understand that. But I do hope you still want to read the story. <hugs> I LOVE that you are a DJ fan. Makes me feel all waffy. <g> Thanks Carol!

Poor JWB. I see the angry face. And the "huh?". Yes, it was supposed to be confusing... that and the ellipses (.....) were supposed to clue everyone in that it wasn't really the end. We'll be back soon with the actual ending. Don't get me wrong... this part is a REAL part and will be in the final version of the story... but there is more to come. <g>

Ohhhh, Betty.

Other than these miserable feelings caused by the end, I can't deny it was an exciting powerful story -- that's why I'm so upset.
Ohhh, sniffle.... Such sweet fdk even though you were feeling miserable. Please don't be afraid to read anything by me/us again. I invest way too much in my stories to make them *really* this awful. I promise.

Hi BJ! Yes, it would have been better if we could have posted this part on April 1st. I tried, but the posting schedule just wouldn't work. And yes... I was only joking about that really being the end... There is one more part.

Hi Jackie! <snort> Yes, I am coming back to finish it for real. Yes, we do love angst... but "unresolved angst"? :p Not so much, no. Sorry to leave you hanging, but yes, there is one more part. <g>

Hi Ann! Can I tell you that your comments and your chocolates actually made me laugh? Just because after how long you've read my stories, and the private e-mails we share, I was pretty sure that you knew me by now... So I totally took your comments with sarcasm, and figured that you knew there was more to come. For one thing, you know me, I always have to put an author's note at the end of my long stories. The thank yous to the readers adn little notes and what nots. With the absolute abruptness at the end of this part, I was sure everyone would know I was joking... um... apparently not though <eeeek! DJ smacks herself again> Thanks for the comments, and I'll see you back for the real ending... the one I'm sure you'll enjoy (even if it is on the PG side <g>)

Hello again Carol. Yes, I added a "NOT" to the end... just to enforce that I was joking...

Hi Cristina! I'm glad you weren't too afraid not to go read. I look forward to your comments... <g>

Hi Lara! OHHH! Poor, poor Lara! You were already having a bad day and thought this would give you a needed uplift and then.... BLAM! Yikes! Just LOOK at all those pointy stick men! I promise the happily ever after part is coming soon. Promise, promise... just get those guys away from me. <g>

Hi Jojo! LOL!!! I didn't torture her, that was Knox! <snort> But your comment cracked me up. I love that you loved the whole "revival" scene. Thanks for the completely evil comment - I think. <g> I'll have you know that it was partially your fault that I made this part the tank ending... you kept threatening me... telling me I'd better not end it like the movie. My evil muse thought to herself... oh really - I consider that a dare. <g> You know, I was really hoping people knew me well enough by now that they would know I wasn't that horrifically cruel. And also, do you KNOW how many pages this story is? 230. Yes, 230. I couldn't believe it either. It's *almost* twice as long as anything I've ever written. I poured my heart and soul into this story... and Sue did too... there is no way I would end it like that - I swear!!! But yes, it wasn't meant to be a deathfic either... not sure how that one came about either. Just meant to "tank" - Lois forgets everything... but of course that's not really what happened... <g>

Hi Cristina! Yay! You came back! Yikes! It was worse than a TE? Ahhhh, because it was believable... oooh, thanks, I'll take that as a compliment, if you don't mind. Oh and thanks for saying the story has been "sooooo good". We'll be back soon with the final part. Sue has it and is playing with it as we speak.

Hi Kristen! Oh, I'm glad you realized it wasn't really the end. <g> Yes! Exactly! We wouldn't "end it so abruptly". Yes, more closure, definitely... there are too many loose ends. <g> Yes, lots and lots of more Lois & Clark time (and a little more Dan time - don't hit me!) Thank you so much for the wonderful commendation on our writing Dan. Yay! Thank you Kristen!

Hi there again Jackie. <g> Real part will be posted in a couple of days, tops. We're not so evil to make you wait a whole week for it. <g>

Hi BJ. Oh good. I'm glad so many people weren't really angry with me. Yes, definitely more closure in the end... and waff... Thanks for the "fantastic" - I really appreciate that. <g>

Hi again, Carol. <hug> I'm glad you aren't mad at me. And I'm so excited to hear you say how much you enjoy my stories. But at the end... Lois woke up, got out of bed all confused, was telling Clark to get back... smacked his hand away... and that's when Clark said "Lois was gone... everything was gone..." meaning that she had forgotten him, forgotten everything, and HIS Lois was gone. That's what I meant. Sorry if it wasn't clear. Thanks.

Hi Carolm! Hee hee... a whole other sequel!? <DJ faints> Whew... heavens... I don't think I'd survive it. <g> Thankfully, no, we don't have to write a sequel... all will be explained and concluded in the next part. <g>

Hi Lara! Hee hee... I didn't think you were angry, no. I did feel bad though that you needed a happily ever after and instead got this... and a delayed ending. I promise it's coming soon though.

Hi Kate! Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it and the final ending is coming soon.

Thank you all for indulging me and my evilness. I had wanted to try a tank ending for a long time... and yet, I didn't want it to be a "real" tank ending... just a sort of "fooled you" ending - I thought this might be my best chance to explore that unexplored territory. <g> Now that I've done it... I've scratched that itch.

Thank you so much for all the comments (I told Sue you all were going to kill me/us - checks herself - nope, still alive)... and not just the comments today but the comments all along. You all have been so wonderful to leave us fdk on this story. I really loved and appreciated every one. Thank you!

-- DJ angel-devil

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.