Now, I didn't get a chance to see the Paris part in the craziness of the weekend, but it was really great. I have even more (!) questions in my head about this tangled web you're spinning. That's a really, really great thing, since I'm awaiting all the twists and turns this is going to take. I'll be waiting patiently for later developments. Now I mentioned this on my beta, but this is one part that gets me everytime:

For a moment, he was six years old again, without the responsibilities of a hero, husband and father. The world was full of frightening possibilities and unanswered riddles, and he cowered from them in the shelter of his mother’s arms. His fears seemed to melt away in that warm embrace. It transported him to a time when unconditional love smelt like lavender and honey. Like his Mom. And he was her special boy.
And you know even though I'm an adult and all that I still feel that when I hug my mom. I can't imaging what a soothing experience it must be when you're juggling a possible death of a spouse and the safety of a city (world) on your shoulders. I'm a big fan of anything that humanizes Supes and this does the job in an achingly poignant way, which sets up the importance of his family.

Get back to work Hasini! smile


One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan