But to be fair, the number of instances that Clark is required to save Lois is significantly higher than the ones where Lois has to rush to his rescue. Usually, Clark fails to save Lois in the beginning or middle of such stories so if he does manage to save her, there would be no story. Half the fanfics would run something like this:

Criminal: *points gun* You’re coming with me, lady!
Superman: *catches bullet and crushes it* Lois, are you alright?

And then, depending on the time frame in which the story is set, it could go in either of these ways:
1. Lois (before marriage): You’re my hero! *kiss*


2. Lois (after marriage): *irritated* I’m fine! Quit fussing already! Now drop that guy off at the precinct and don’t forget to pick up the dry-cleaning on your way home.


Not exactly a gripping read.

However, Lois-to-the-rescue fics usually introduce that development as the climatic moment at the very end of the story, after the writer has finished sufficiently torturing Clark. In which case the fic tends to end in this manner:

Clark: Lois, you saved me! This mysteriously counter-balances the ten to the power of twenty ratio between the times you have rescued me and I have rescued you. You are so brave! I’m so sorry I went all sanctimonious, over-protective, egotistical lunkhead on you! I deserve to be tortured! Will you forgive me?
Lois: Will you also wear my “women- are- equal- to- supermen” t-shirt in public? Seeing as you are so de-lunkheaded and properly repentant?
Clark: Yes!
Lois: Oh, Clark! I forgive you!


Which is far more satisfying to the largely feminst female demographic of this fandom.
rotflol rotflol rotflol rotflol rotflol rotflol rotflol rotflol rotflol

Well, what can I say? You are so right, Hasini!!!

Except... I have a point, too. Look at it like this. Before Lois met Clark, she must have been in danger many times, because she was already a famous investigative reporter. She had undoubtedly been using her normal reckless methods well before she met Clark. And she had survived on her own up until then. (Perhaps she started taking even crazier risks after she met Superman, just so she could yell for him and make him come to her and save her? Because, you know, he might just fall in love with her if she made him come to her a sufficient number of times? And afterwards, when she and Clark were married, perhaps she just had this habit of putting herself in danger and expecting Clark to come to the rescue?)

Clark, on the other hand, had not adopted his Superman persona before he met Lois. He had not put himself on the line in the same way before he became Superman. Also, before he had gone public as a superhero, nobody knew that Kryptonite could kill him. Put differently, Clark had rarely needed anybody to save his life before he met Lois. Now, though, he sometimes does need someone, and Lois is almost always up to the task! Hmmmm. Those deathfics writers really must have greater confidence in Lois's life-saving abilities than in Clark's. And those who don't write deathfic probably just get such a kick out of seeing Lois save Clark!!! I know I do!!!

Anyway, thanks for these hilarious rescue situations, Hasini!


(Oh... and I much appreciate that this isn't going to be a deathfic! Thank you!!!!)