There’s something thoroughly exhilarating about waking up early in the morning to a round of delicious reviews! Ye, I’ve definitely found my vocation in life… laugh

Lisa – I’m glad you liked the revised version, and hope it wasn’t too spoiled for you by your accidental sneak preview. Although, considering it’s the latter part of the former chapter 1 that I’ve changed very little, that should be the one that’s really spoiled for you. I can’t wait to post it though! Now, don’t you give anything away… razz

Yes, after Clark made that "blonde" comment, I can just hear Lois's sparrow-repelling screech!
Yes, she is rather sensitive to blondes in general, is she not? But then, she has cause to. I mean look at Toni Baines, Toni Taylor, Linda King, Mayson Drake, Bonnie Parker, Tiffany with and ‘I’, Lana Lang…am I sensing a theme here?

Hmmmm... so... maybe some flirting will be what the doctor should have ordered when Lois won't wake up from her coma? Maybe there's going to be nothing like some good old-fashioned jealousy to shake Lois out of her unconsciousness? Of course, I don't feel altogether happy about such a solution myself. What if Clark sits by Lois's bedside and starts kissing another woman, thereby waking Lois up? Can he and Lois be happy after Lois has found him red-handed and kiss-lipped like that?


“Is he dead, Lois?”

“No! But I was really mad and I wanted to kick him between the legs and pull his nose off and put out his eyes with a freshly sharpened pencil and disembowel him with a dull letter opener and strangle him with his own intestines but I stopped myself just in time!”
- Further Down The Road by Terry Leatherwood.