Nicely done thus far. Well written and disturbing enough that I scrolled back after reading this section thinking I must have missed a wham warning.

Well done.

I had forgotten the Challenge, glad you included links to it and the prologue.

This being my first fic EVER, I promised myself I wouldn't post till I got at least five chapters written, but my muse is on strike and I need to do something crazy.
I don't know where you are in your A plot but may I suggest that you have Clark, Jimmy, Ron, and dozens of folks have bits of the answer but not able to see the links between the bits so they are unable complete the whole.

Your Lois is going to need something to remind her of her skill set, her ability, so I suggest she needs to be the one who see how the parts relate.

Moreover may I suggest that you have it be that the only reason Lois pre-bomb had not put it all together is the distraction of her family.

“I hope you haven’t dragged me here to tell me more fairy tales. I’m nearly missing my daughters’ school nativity play as it is.”
I'm looking forward to more of this, if you live up to the challenge this could be quite long.

