Ann wrote:
Are you sure this hasn't been taken out of Rachel's fic, Hasini?
What can I say? Great minds think alike. So I'm looking forward to those parts that you mentioned on DD's FDK for chapter 41, Hasini! I think I just got lucky to get them out first! wink

Hasini wrote:
Rachel and I seem to share so many similar tastes that it’s getting almost freaky. One of them is our mutual love of rain. However, in Smirky’s fic, the rain is always friendly, cleansing and sympathetic and creates the perfect ambience for a cozy snuggle on the couch. In this particular instance of mine, I’m referring to winter rain, the idea of which I find quite unbearable. As any creature of the tropics, I can’t bear cold and the thought alone of driving sheets of freezing water being poured down in already bitingly cold weather is enough to give me an earache. So the rain here is cold, cruel and merciless.
Hehee. See, I live in the mountains where we get the extremes of all weathers, and I also live in the desert, so rain is rare enough that it doesn't get obnoxious. So most of the time I absolutely love rain. I'm one of those crazy people who will be studying inside when it starts raining, drop her bookbags, and darts outside to run around whooping at the top of her lungs despite the odd looks of passersby (in fact, I did exactly that not three days past Hehee . . . ). Soccer games were never better when there was mud, lots of rain, and preferrably a good deal of thunder, too.

There's nothing--no movie, no book, no music--that can match the grandeur of a storm, late at night, with lightning darting over the sky and against the mountains, as that darkest echo of thunder that seems to frame the black sky with that growl of a note that can't help but make your heart just shiver in awe.

Of course, I'm also an avid skier, so cold rain is usually good, as long as it means some nice snow in the mountains. thumbsup

So, yes--I love rain, even when it is melancholy, because (obviously) I love that sort of thing, as Hasini clearly does as well laugh . The darkest part of night is my favorite time of day. It seems that everything else is clearer--there's less clutter in both your mind and in the world--when it rains, or in those late hours of the night.

Those late hours also do very well to loosen the fingers, so that you can blab on and on and on completely off-topic about things that nobody cares about, but you just don't have the energy to go through and stop. laugh laugh

So back on subject. . .

Hasini, I, like Ann, love your rain imagery. I'll agree with your point--cold rain is no good, and is infinitely colder than snow, because it just soaks through you and chills you deeper than the bone. It certainly holds a feeling of hopelessness and depression that is most marvelously harnessed in your writing.

Oh, but something I found before I go . . . (I really need to get myself away from here--NOW! <looks around> Oh, well . . . )

However, Lois-to-the-rescue fics usually introduce that development as the climatic moment at the very end of the story, after the writer has finished sufficiently torturing Clark. In which case the fic tends to end in this manner:

Clark: Lois, you saved me! This mysteriously counter-balances the ten to the power of twenty ratio between the times you have rescued me and I have rescued you. You are so brave! I’m so sorry I went all sanctimonious, over-protective, egotistical lunkhead on you! I deserve to be tortured! Will you forgive me?
Lois: Will you also wear my “women- are- equal- to- supermen” t-shirt in public? Seeing as you are so de-lunkheaded and properly repentant?
Clark: Yes!
Lois: Oh, Clark! I forgive you!


Which is far more satisfying to the largely feminst female demographic of this fandom.
lol! thumbsup
