I liked CC-Clark's reaction to Lois's laughter better... sorry, Sue....

So what was his reaction? You didn't say so I'm left to wonder. Did he laugh with her? Walk away in a huff?
Well, Lois didn't laugh at him because he said that he was Superman. When he said that to her, she simply slicked back his hair to see if he looked like Superman that way, and, well, he did. (After all, his hair, as well as the rest of him, was within very easy access to her right then. And he, incidentally, was too ecstatically happy to worry about what she thought about his being Superman.) What she laughed at was what she made him say during his, ummm, moment of ecstasy. He didn't walk away from her in a huff, since walking away would have taken a bit of extricating himself from her, but he did tell her that now he might have to leave Metropolis and possibly the Earth. Instead, the close proximity of her laughter-quivering body made him feel, uh, "up" to the task again. And then he made her feel totally exquisite and sort of repeat his incredible statement of silliness during her, ummmm, moment of hitting her personal bulls-eye. And then Perry and Jimmy started to break down the door....

Yes, I told CC, Sue.
