Thanks for the well wishes - I almost feel human again now.

Andreia - I always get such a kick out of the fun animations you add to your FDK. I loved the bouncy smilie tossing hearts in the air. It reminded me of Lois in Pheremone, My Lovely.

Cris - sorry, no kiss. Like Terry, you can just imagine what they talked about (or did) on the flight home. <g>

JoJo! I was so happy to see you post that I don't care how late it was. I'm sorry things have been rough for you lately. I hope they're improving now. <hugs>
No, but I’m sure Sue is making you do it so she can make them cuddle.
You say that like it's a *bad* thing. You try going around for over a decade with the mental image of them tied up in a trunk together and see how desperate you are to have them cuddle!
Poor Lois, she has no clue just how safe she is. Sometimes you just wanna kick Clark for making her go through so much just because of his secret. It isn’t till I really think about situations like this, that I tend to take Lois’ side and think Clark is a big jerk.
Yep. And once the initial shock wears off I'm sure she'll have a few choice words to say about it. But, like you said, then she'll just get into trouble on a more regular basis. I laughed so hard I snorted over this:
Kinda like a twisted thrill ride. Anyway… ending my ramble now.
Ramble away! That's great - "a twisted thrill ride". But most of my thoughts on that score are more fit for the nfic forum...
...and then jump him and lick his mole off.
Back off, sister! I've warned you before to leave the freckle alone.
I like that he doesn’t keep count because it isn’t a matter of what she owes him or something he even thinks twice about. He does it because he cares about her and it is instinctive and something ingrained him to do and because he loves her.
My thoughts *exactly*.

Ann, you just never run out of ways to needle me about writing more nfic, do you? <g>
And CC's story is so... so perfect, so funny, so sweet, so in character, so adorably ridiculous, so lovely... and it's nfic. And the actual revelation happens during, uh, a certain activity. Well... let me just say that after I had read CC's story I was not really in the mood for any other revelation piece, because I had already met the Clark of this genre, you know?
I hope you told CC all this! I haven't read the story (but I'll put it on that ever-lengthening list of must-reads).
I liked CC-Clark's reaction to Lois's laughter better... sorry, Sue....
So what was his reaction? You didn't say so I'm left to wonder. Did he laugh with her? Walk away in a huff?
Her plan is better? Come on, Clark. Now you need to tell her about yourself not only for her sake, but for your own as well!
It irritates me that, after the first couple of seasons, the writer's emasculated Clark and he didn't compete with Lois like he used to. Sure, you're dating/married, but grow a pair, buddy! On some level it *has* to bother him that she's always so smug and assured, especially when he knows that she's dead wrong in her assumptions.

Thanks to everyone who has left feedback. I really do appreciate it very, very, VERY much!

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis