Clark rolled forward to cover her, counting to match each bullet with its shot as they bounced away from his back and legs. He placed one hand along her cheek protectively.

As quickly as the hail of bullets had begun, it stopped. The tense silence that followed was unnerving. Lois bit her lip, willing herself not to make a sound. Behind her Clark's breathing was reassuringly deep and even.
DJ quoted this and I can't help but quote it myself. I remember reading the scene and thinking about the fear Lois must feel. She was just laughing some minutes ago when Clark had confessed the alter ego thing to her, the whole thing must seem incredibly surreal. Either way, it felt like such a tense, frightening moment. Possibly my favorite part of the fic, I love the physicality of it too--the detail of how he covers her cheek with his hand. I'm reminded of what some people say that in intense moments we take refuge in what's concrete--for me it's how she hears him breathing.

*sigh* So nice.

One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan