A great fic as always, Sue.

Tell her. Tell her. Tell her. He had to tell her.
Love this. Tell her, tell her, tell her….

She was silent. Disbelief and panic flooded through him. He had done it. He had told her. And she had said... nothing. It was then that he realized that her body was trembling and she was making a gasping sound. Was she crying? Horrified, he realized that she wasn't crying - she was laughing. Her body shook harder and she began to laugh out loud.

Lois laughed until her sides hurt and she was certain that Gretchen and Nigel would pull the car over to find out what was so funny. "Oh my gosh, that was good." She let out another giggle. "That was really, really good."
Oh, that’s good. She laughed.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~