New Sue's fic! Woohoo! smile1

Clark's hands clasped hers, his fingers occasionally stroking over or tightening on hers. His faint possessive touch reminded her of last night. She had lain awake for over an hour last night remembering the sensation of being carried to the bedroom by Clark. Just thinking about him, with only a door to separate them, had created a pleasant awareness inside her. It was a reaction to him that she had certainly felt before that night. It had flared up unexpectedly after he had kissed her under phony circumstances in the honeymoon suite of the Lexor hotel. It had surfaced again on the night of the charity ball when they danced together before Mayson cut in. This awareness of him actually never really left her, she realized. It only went dormant until the next time he touched her in a more than an accidental way.
Awwwwww... So WAFFy! Love it! [Linked Image]

"Lois," he sighed. "This is not the way I wanted to tell you."

"Tell me what?"

His body tensed against hers and then he spoke. "I'm Superman."

She was silent. Disbelief and panic flooded through him. He had done it. He had told her. And she had said... nothing. It was then that he realized that her body was trembling and she was making a gasping sound. Was she crying? Horrified, he realized that she wasn't crying - she was laughing. Her body shook harder and she began to laugh out loud.

Lois laughed until her sides hurt and she was certain that Gretchen and Nigel would pull the car over to find out what was so funny. "Oh my gosh, that was good." She let out another giggle. "That was really, really good."
The revelation scene was priceless. clap Well, all of Sue's revelation scenes are incredibly awesome. They could be gathered up in a book: "Manual of Creative Revelations" by Sue S. laugh

"I can't for the life of me figure out why you'd make this up," she said.

Clark fought back the urge to retort 'I can't for the life of me figure out why I told you.'
LOL! notworthy I sorry about your stomach bug. I hope you get better soon. sloppy

Andreia smile

"My wife's love is what unites Krypton and Earth in my heart. Without it, without her, I truly would be in hell."

~ Superman: Man of Tomorrow #15