So here I am, coming late to the game again. I sat down to read this a few days ago and was in such a terrible mood that I had to stop because I wasn’t enjoying it and was only focusing on my problems. So I’m coming back now to leave you some wonderful fdk on a wonderful story now that I can fully enjoy it. ^_^

"Stand behind her," she snapped at Clark, "and put your arms around her." Clark did so, watching Gretchen warily. Gretchen grabbed their hands and yanked them forward. "Like this, you idiots. I'm not doing this so you can cuddle."
No, but I’m sure Sue is making you do it so she can make them cuddle. ^_~

For a moment she almost believed him.
Poor Lois, she has no clue just how safe she is. Sometimes you just wanna kick Clark for making her go through so much just because of his secret. It isn’t till I really think about situations like this, that I tend to take Lois’ side and think Clark is a big jerk. Most of the time I take his because we the reader/watchers have been in on the secret the whole time, but moments like this when I contemplate just how terrified I would be in her place. I think I might be a little ticked later once I remembered moments like this that he hadn’t told me he could yank me out of danger.

But then again… Lois seems to get a thrill out of danger. You would almost think that if she knew he was superman she might put herself into more danger because she knows he would save her. Kinda like a twisted thrill ride. Anyway… ending my ramble now.

"I don't think I really want to answer that question. Not right now, anyway."
Torture him a bit Lois! ^_^ Make him think about what he is missing out on!

"Probably not."

"Why not?"
*grumbles* Cause he is a pansy boy sometimes and he makes us all want to strangle him… and then jump him and lick his mole off.

"I'm serious." He was more than a little offended. Of all the reactions he had expected this disbelieving laughter had never even crossed his mind.
It’s so cute how he is afraid of her reaction one minute and the offended and pouty about it the next. Perfect reaction you wrote there. ^_^

Clark fought back the urge to retort 'I can't for the life of me figure out why I told you.'
Do it! Do it! I love the sexual tension when they fight. Haha.

"You said that you were sorry Mayson had cut in and that I still owed you a dance," he prompted. "I just didn't want to wait until the next charity ball."
It’s statements like this that make you want to just squeeze him and forgive him anything…

He shook his head. "I've never kept track."

"Really?" she asked, feeling the oddest sense of relief at his answer.
I like that he doesn’t keep count because it isn’t a matter of what she owes him or something he even thinks twice about. He does it because he cares about her and it is instinctive and something ingrained him to do and because he loves her.

Such a great little story Sue. I very much enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing it with us yet again and feeding your little minions. ^_~

Angry Clark: CLARK SMASH!
Lois: Ork!