Thank you so much Anna, Morgana, bakasi, and Toomi for sharing your opinions!! And thanks for your patience with us over the holidays and whatnot while we (or at least me lol) play catch up with everything and work to get things rolling for the Kerths behind the scenes!

Bakasi—I really like that suggestion! As we’re finalizing the category list, we’ll also be making sure the category definitions make sense and make things easy to nominate and vote. With best commenter being so new and different, we’ll definitely have to take all these ideas into consideration and come up with something that makes the most sense. smile

Toomi—I love Best Kiss, too! The K-Comm will double check things, as with all categories, and see if it makes sense for this year!

I do hear you on the categorization—it’s a tricky things, for sure! And it used to not be an issue when eligible stories were only from the archive, where everything gets handy category keywords from the GEs. The K-Comm has no intention of categorizing things! The nominations process itself will serve to do the categorization! The only thing the K-Comm will do is kind of a once over to decide whether or not there are enough “revelation stories” to warrant an entire category for them.

The great thing about the nomination process is that everyone who thinks, “Oh man, the revelation that Jane Doe wrote was AWESOME! I’m going to nominate that for Best Revelation!” Things will self-sort. And we’ll hopefully get some threads and games up soon to help remind people of some of those great moments from stories throughout the year.


Sara and the K-Comm

Kerth nominations are opening on March 3!
🏆2024 Kerth Award Posts 🏆.

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