OH!! Re: New Author. In my other fandom, as New Authors qualify all who haven't posted fic in over 3 years. I feel like, with a fandom like ours, it wouldn't be fair, because there's a steady core of fandom here, with the boards and the Archive and everything - I didn't feel like a n00b coming back here after 15 years, but I did when I got back there and found the fandom having moved from FF.net and LJ to Tumblr and AO3, and no familiar names at all anywhere, most current active writers only having started to write during the quarantine years.

However... how about a Best Comeback? Several of us missed our chance lol but if another wave of FoLCs starts returning, it might be a good thought to have in mind!

Last edited by Anna B. the Greek; 12/19/22 06:29 PM.

What we've got here is failure to communicate...