Originally Posted by folc4evernaday
The young man had come a long way in his bare year in Metropolis. From an unknown, relative greenhorn to an award-winning investigative journalist. From a restless traveler seeking his place in the world to a positive force for good. The only thing he hadn’t gotten in hand was his personal life- up until now.

The ceremony over, Perry rose from the Planet’s table and followed his award-winning reporting team to the exit. He’d congratulate Clark again on his award and then head home. Alice never could resist the sight of him in a tux.

Next year, Lois and Clark’s Luthor series would be eligible- and the Kerth for investigative journalism would have both their names on it, of this Perry was sure.

In the meantime, life in the Planet offices was about to become very interesting.

Since I can't give anything else quote wise without spelling the story out. I'll give you the author: Nostalgiakick

~ Folc4evernaday

Jodi Picoult - You might not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page. You can't edit a blank page.
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