“Oh my…,” she whispered reverently. “Hubba. Hubba.”

Catherine Grant came over to her side and said sotto voce, “Down girl. He’s got a keeper.”

Lois was about to ask who, when she noticed a petite blonde with shrewd blue eyes pop out the elevator and take the hunk’s hand. She seemed to be reminding him of something very important. Her pointed tone of voice and body language gave off a definite aura of ‘Keep Off, He’s Mine.’

<Keeper indeed,> Lois thought with a mental sigh. <She must be the girlfriend.>

Okay, can I just say I really love the Lois / Cat friendship going on. I love that they're not over there trying to claw each other's eyes out but rather being supportive of one another. You see this so much in the workplace... Like don't you have enough issues in the workplace without turning on one another. Okay jumping off my soapbox.

And the hubba hubba comment lol

Clearly Kent let his girlfriend walk all over him. Great, so much for the Hotshot journalist.

Yeah I'm with Lois. Stop letting Lana walk all over you Clark!

He smiled graciously and tore the blue wrapping off, then opened the box which held a large gold picture frame containing a color photo of Lana, her left hand touching her face and on the ring finger was Clark’s college ring. He looked down at her and she grinned happily.

“Isn’t it just perfect?” Before he could answer she looked at her watch and said, “It’s getting late, I need to get to work.” She started to walk away and added, “Don’t forget, on the steps of the museum at 6:00pm sharp. You know how Daddy hates to wait.”

Marking her territory I see...

“Hey Clark… Do you have a tuxedo?”

Clark looked up suspiciously and responded, “No. But renting one shouldn’t be a problem. Why?”

Lois rolled her eyes impatiently. “Tomorrow night Lex and Arianna Luthor are hosting their annual White Orchid Ball. It’s only the biggest social event in Metropolis second only to the Metropolis museum’s costume exhibit gala. Daily Planet reporters always cover it.”

“My usual date for these things, Mitchell Samuels, has another one of his ‘colds’. I need an escort and since you work for the Planet you might as well come along.”

“Escort? But … but what about Lana? Does she get an invitation?” Clark asked.

Well, that's rude.

'Hey I've got tickets to this event. Wanna go?'

'Can I bring my girlfriend?'

dizzy shock wallbash

Maybe it *was* time to update his wardrobe.

He did need to look more the part of a seasoned professional, not a world tramping hobo. Even though being a slave to fashion was not his style, it might be better to have at least a couple of new suits and casual outfits in his closet and definitely a new pair of shoes. The ones he had on were polished and well maintained, yet they had a lot of mileage on them and regrettably, it showed.

How had he not updated his wardrobe and Ms. Queen of Sheba not said/done anything? I mean she has to be seen with him right?

Jasper Templar stood by a bookshelf looking over the leather bound classics such as Moby Dick, by Melville, Tale of Two Cities, by Dickens and War of the Worlds, by H.G. Wells. He angrily grimaced at the last volume than turned and smiled at his employer.

Yes, I think my suspicions are right....Not spoiling it for the other readers though. razz

~ Folc4evernaday

Jodi Picoult - You might not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page. You can't edit a blank page.
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