Thanks everybody for your helpful thoughts and advice! Don't worry, I just went on vacation in Portland for a week to visit family, I didn't mean to post "I'm-depressed" and then drop off the face of the earth. goofy wave

A lot of check marks here for me. The only good thing I've spotted is that I don't drink soda and never have (blech for carbonation). I do have a LOT of depression in my family, on both sides, which is part of why it's hard to come forward with it. I have a bit of OCD and perfectionist issues to boot... I am just trying to find the new normal (and looking for work) and keep a right balance. I should go to the doctor for a checkup, but I also have a paralyzing fear of doctors... so I'll put it on the to-do list. grin Again, thanks everybody! I'll keep you posted... and keep writing of course. thumbsup

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain