Living in the Pacific Northwest, I have recently learned that, especially in the winter, I feel happier if I take vitamin D (the gummies are usually quite tasty) or spend at least 15 minutes in sunshine a day. I often feel as if I am drowning in RL, so I try to think about it as little as possible. When I go to sleep I concentrate on the next scene I have to write, trying to picture it in my mind. It helps keep thoughts away from all the things in my life I could have done differently (or others could have) or whomever has made me mad. I try not to follow politics as much as I used to because it just angers and frustrates me by all that is not being accomplished in the name of "progress". Ignorance is bliss for a reason.

I find if I stay active, I tend to be happier. I include in this my writing, because we all know I'm not checking off "walk more" from this year's Resolutions list any more than I did last year. If I spend too much time watching TV by myself (i.e. Netflix marathons), I tend to be less happy because I haven't accomplished anything. I find satisfaction in finishing tasks, whether it be a page of writing or responding to FDK (even if it's FDK of FDK of FDK from over a month ago -- Sorry, Michael, I'm trying to catch up.) or paying bills. Every little thing counts as something I can check off my to-do list. I try to take one day at a time. Live in present, instead of the future or the past. I try to appreciate what I have and not what I don't have, or probably never will have.

I tried therapy in college but after I met the man who I eventually married, they deemed me "cured" of my depression. (NOT!) When I became depressed again after the birth of my son, I told people but nobody believed me, listened to me, or offered me any help. The thing that helped me most was finding these boards and getting back into my writing again. smile I had only been giving to others. Here, I could give to myself.

What I've discovered in all the years of being depressed and lonely is that no matter how often you want someone else to rescue you from your pit of despair, sometimes you have to be the one to don the cape and be your own hero. Only YOU can make you happy. I hate to sound like a greeting card, you want to throw across the room in annoyance, but it's true. Sadly, you can't understand that advice until you actually take it yourself. YOU have to decide that you aren't going to let depression win. YOU have to find the light in the darkness. YOU. Not your family. Not your significant other. Not your children. Not your friends. Not your doctor. It doesn't always work, but it's better than living in pit waiting for a hero who will never show.

Don't let the hope die. Always look for the light in your darkness. We love you, and we'll always be here for you with open arms, if you need us. Just remember all those creatures in the shadows are probably all us lurking readers waiting for you to post your next story. wink Good luck, Mouse.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.