Originally Posted by Lady Loisette
Originally Posted by VirginiaR
I guess great minds post alike. wink Wait. [Linked Image] Where is it?
Well, it's a Chuck fic, so I'm posting it over on my fanfiction account. That's my main writing fandom. I've been writing Chuck fics since 2008. Once I get my current Chuck story finished I'll start working on getting my LnC story ready. I actually had the rough draft of the LnC story finished just before Christmas, but then I decided that I didn't want post it so late in the year. So instead I got the bright idea to come up with an idea for a Chuck fic and have it ready to post on a strict deadline date, less than a week away. Clearly, I must be insane.

Originally a one-shot, it has grown (at reader request) to what I think will ultimately be 7 chapters, each with strict deadline dates to be posted on.
You've got to watch out for those readers who inspire you. I'm sure Wrong Clark wouldn't be as long as it is without Michael's prodding. wink (Okay, we all know it still would've been long.) I look forward to seeing your new LnC fic. hyper

You're in better shape than I am. My next and last chapter is not yet written and must be posted on Tuesday. If I don't succeed, to me, the story will become a total failure. So basically the fic I'm writing has been an experiment in torture.
Missing Lois was 3/4 written before I started posting. I was able to finish writing it with a huge cushion. Most of my short stories (this one being my exception) are completed before I post. I try to have a large cushion between where I'm writing and where I'm posting for my longer stories. I find it's easier to meet my posting deadlines that way. (Hence my several month hiatus on Wrong Clark to build up my cushion again... currently, I'm at least 10 parts out.) The nice thing about a large cushion is that when I finally post the next part, several weeks have passed since I've last read it and I can read it with a more critical eye, because it isn't so fresh in my mind. Little tweaks can then be added at the last minute, smoothing out any bumps I hadn't noticed before. (Such as that paragraph that groobie commented on. I fleshed that out to make Lois and Clark's actions more clear right before posting. Apparently, for the best. smile ) I find if I have five or less parts as a cushion, then I feel the weight of the world more profoundly, making writing less fun and more of a chore. I sympathize with your current predicament. I wish you the best of luck and speedy fingers.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.