Let's see how things shook out for me...
Hmmmm... This year's going to be a bit of a challenge.

1) Get ONE story finished and posted. Whether it's "When Pheromones Attack!," "Late Night Phone Call," "A Super Date in the Clouds" or even a story from my anti-universe is up to me.
Nope. (although I hope my beta can remind me that I've made progress SOMEWHERE).

2) Buy and move into a new house (we've been on the house-hunting market for a while but we keep waffling on ether hubby wants to stay in the area or move even further afield.
Double nope and believe me this is becoming a sore spot especially as we now have a third one due come 2015 (in April, no less). Hubby is now wanting to look for another job which puts us in the "uncertain" category on house-hunting. *growls in irritation*. And I was so close to getting him to put in a bid too (not on one that I wanted but one that HE wanted and I was resigned to by that point).

3) Birthday parties for both boys (1 year for Solomon, 2 year for War'n Peace) (I have to spell out this sort of thing because if I don't I will never happen and they will feel disapointed in the long run.)
Sorta. The only person (of four people invited) that came to my elder son's b-day was his cousin. He still had a fun time and still talks about his cousin a lot even though he doesn't see him often. The one year party almost DIDN'T happen. If my in-laws hadn't stepped up to host I don't know what would have happened.

4) If we don't move houses, at least move the office into the library, War'n Peace into the former office, and get him a real twin (or at least real toddler) bed (so Solomon can move into his and War'n Peace's room in another 6-9 months)
Well this sorta happened. Back at the end of October the kids were "evicted" from our house (it's a long story, not one I'm wanting to get into) for a week (they were sent over to my in-laws) while my husband and I got the house completely cleaned (I mean heavier than spring cleaning clean). During that time, the office was dismantled and moved into our bedroom, and War'n Peace's bed and dresser was moved into the former office and we got a new crib to put our Little Wise Lion in the library. It still leaves a question mark for when the new baby arrives. When I finally got hubby to agree to it, I thought we were well on our way to getting a house. Guess what? Not gonna happen by Hubby's reckoning (yes, this is a sore spot for me).

5) Clean the kitchen to sparkling, and get the living room clean with minimal toys in it.
Done once I had the kids "evicted"

6) Make dinner at home for a full month. (picnics count) [quote]Wish I could say this happened but it hasn't. We got close a couple of times, though.

[quote]7) Schedule one date night a month without the boys
nope. In fact, other than the eviction time frame (doesn't count given each of us ended up sleeping at the in-laws each night during it) hubby and I haven't had a SINGLE evening together in almost six months.

8) Try to read more books that are NOT for my boys (starting with Lois Lane: A Celebration of 75 years from my husband).
This one I think I can say happened.

9) Do more research on the local Breweries/local beer of the past or the local newspapers in the past. The second will lead to...

10) Splitting and re-writing a school research paper for my history of mass media class into two articles that I'll submit to the local history museum's "Heartland Heritage Collection.")
Nope and Nope. Haven't had enough time to myself that hasn't been designated to keeping the house in order (part of the reason the kids were "evicted", which was not my or hubby's decision).

So that's where I've been this year. Nothing really moving forward that needs to move forward.

CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx.
CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me.
-"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)