Okay, so I feel like I've kind of been absent from the boards for a bit, due to finals, my annual Star Wars marathon, and this film project I signed on for that I *finally* completed my part in today ( smile1

5. Open myself up to new opportunities. I'm a relatively guarded and cynical person, with a few trust issues and disorders. I don't want to be that person forever. SO, this last goal is to be able to say by 2015 that I've had some adventures with friends, opened myself up to new loves, spread my wings a bit more, and become my own person. I don't want to look back on the year and wonder what I did with my time... Also, some romance would be nice. wink

BONUS- Non-goal milestone: Drinking. thumbsup

What do you guys want? cool

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain