Happy New Year everyone thumbsup

#4. Cooking...I am very skilled at our microwave, and have great talent in pulling frozen things out of the freezer and sending them on their way to thaw in the oven--BUT, I really need to work on 'meals'. I have a few reliable recipes, but we need to up our options clap (husband and kids nodding wholeheartedly).

#5. Play--we have a 4 and 2 year old, who are amazing little people. There is always more play to be had. And at this age, anything and everything is so fun for them. Think this correlates nicely with #3.

#6. Lois & Clark--anything related to the show...watching episodes, message boards, reading fanfic, hopefully getting some fanfic started. It's what I use as my free-time, my little escape. Anything related to the show makes me very happy, and I want to be sure to get that time in for myself--because it helps with all the above unfolding...


"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~