Originally Posted by VirginiaR
I'll definitely check that out the next time I watch that episode. (Are you referring to the scene at the end of Pheromone, My Lovely, when Lex is throwing money into the fire?)
Yes. I've always thought of it in terms of, it's not just "Our little pal is doomed" -- he's hurt.
Originally Posted by VirginiaR
I haven't heard anything about Supergirl. Are you guessing that Kara is the baby at the end of S4? Hmmmm. That sounds plausible.
I was basing it on my own research into Supergirl. Lois & Clark didn't have very many villains from the comics, so Metallo jumped out at me... and as I started reading Supergirl's earliest appearances, it turns out she started in the second half of Action Comics #252, which also introduced Metallo. It makes me suspect that they found him researching Supergirl. Just a hunch.