I really love BATP/HOL...probably one of my very favorite two-part story-lines, and I'd say, easily two of the episodes I've seen the most (we're talking 'mouthing-the-words-almost-throughout-the-whole-thing'--yeah blush ). Anyway...

WHY would Luthor take Lois out to see Othelo the night before their wedding? Isn’t that night traditionally wedding rehearsal dinner? Did this seem strange to anyone else, or was it just a case of bad editing? Or is Superman in the cage longer than one night?
Great point, Virginia--had NEVER noticed this eek . And thinking about it, yeah, it is weird?!?. I always assumed the scene in the limo, talking about Othello, was the night b/f the wedding, but I guess I just took it for what it is worth. But IMO the night b/f the wedding normally would be the rehearsal dinner/etc--and not so much time to see a play. I haven't been to a ton of weddings, but thinking back to mine--rehearsal dinner, my sister's--rehearsal dinner, multiple friends--yet again, rehearsal dinner....I'd say my experience would agree with your thoughts help blush ). I think overall though, the kiss means relief/validation to her--that she DOES have friends that DO care for her...and also, possibly it means more of a final goodbye to Lex--she told him no that she couldn't marry him, and now that her friends are here, it's a very firm no she won't marry him. Overall, though, have never really liked the kiss--seemed unnecessary.

Interesting reexamining some of these scenes dance


"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~