Darth Michael: Now it's my turn to be embarrassed. I thought I had replied to this FDK already. [Linked Image] Forgive me.

I have no idea about this one but do you only get sunburn faster on the parts that actually stick out of the water or all over?
As stated on previous occasions, my scientific knowledge is nil, which was I including the disclaimer "It was a crazy theory...".

What we will tell Lois...:
Playing water games with a bunch of barely-clothes pool-bunnies might do that to a man in the prime of his virility.
Do you really think he'd mention the other people at the pool?
CLARK: What do you take me for, a lunkhead?

And it’s now 1 minute past midnight on the East Coast?
Closer to eleven, but close enough.

But won’t seeing her just make him think back of seeing her fornicating with the devil?
CLARK: Baby steps. Mind over nightmares.

Because of all the NIA monitoring equipment?
CLARK: Yeah. Sure. Let's go with that.

/scratches head/ Is that…Aqua Man?
Yes, Aquaman wears orange.

Did he intake copious amounts of liquid courage to accomplish that feat?
No, he did that the night before.

In case the Big House had changed the young man?
In case Clark floats.

Interesting how he feels the need to emphasize that he also won’t be seeking other *female* companionship for the night.
CLARK: Better safe than sorry.

Also, can you imagine this conversation if Lois hadn’t yet known?
LOIS: So, Clark, can you describe your swim trunks in detail, so I can get it right on my diagram?

So, he’s an exhibitionist who prefers to wear clothes?
Clark is complex.

Like how maybe Lois and Lex went skinny-dipping in his whirlpool above the skyline of Metropolis?
CLARK: /sick/
No, more like how Lois and Superman could now go skinnydipping there as the previous owner was now dead.

Hmm…I think we probably had this one before, a couple of years ago, but if Clark and Carlos share enough of a soul to confuse the curse, maybe the curse would claim Carlos instead of Clark and then the soul of the local Clark could be reborn as Lois and Alt-Clark’s baby boy?
How evil do you think I am?... scratch that. How about: That's really evil

So, he likes to keep things spicy?
It's the best way to kill the flavor of Lois's cooking? Oh, wait. That's not the kind of spicy you were referring to, was it?

How about ‘Stop it, Lois! I’m *not* your invulnerable doormat you can just walk all over!’?
LOIS: Yes, you are.

Like Superman does with his favorite rescue victim?
He's working on it.

No, a replacement for Lois.
[Linked Image]

That he lost 30% of his money?
That he earned some of the money he lost back?

Well…that’s entirely his own fault. He was the one gallivanting around with the Cat and its customary to neuter certain pets so they don’t leave their markings on the furniture etc.
LEX: Like mad dogs?
I thought it was TomCats who left their scent everywhere.

So, Jimmy *is* blind and Clark’s gay and neutered?
JIMBO: Now that you say it...

That’s when Clark objected to Lois taking on Lex as a john, wasn’t it?
That was after Lois decided that she didn't like going through Clark to get to Superman. (I'm almost to that section with my read-through... actually, I'm to the part where Cat discovered the truth about her new co-worker.)

I thought it was customary for inmates to beef up and get pen tattoos?
He wasn't in the joint that long.

And does that make Jimmy the Hand of the King?
JIMMY: shock I don't like where this looks like it's going.

(I recognized the GoT reference, but Jimmy of course, saw something else.)

/scratches head/ I’ve heard to don’t approve of hookers inside the Vegas city limits, or hotels for that matter, so…
And that stops them, how?

Busy night?
No, it just made him think what she might look like in said bed with him.

Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by Wrong Clark 186
who stole your heart and wanted yours in return
/scratches head/ she’s taking his heart twice?
Nope sorry, that was supposed to read:

"who stole your heart and wanted to give you hers in return..."


Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by Wrong Clark 186
Well, that was better than a hooker, right?
I recommend he refrain from mentioning that one out loud.
CLARK with Green Eyes: The last time I told Lois that I thought she’s a hooker, it didn’t end so well.
LOIS: mad Only the "last time"?

Awww…young love. Soul mates.
So, it would be better if Jimmy died instead of lived happily ever after in Vegas?

And the other kind is the type that flirts with both and then sneaks around with one of the friends while officially dating the other?
I believe Jenny is implying that what her roommate does.

Okay. hyper

So, Robin’s the nice one?

Broke ex-con?
JIMMY: [Linked Image]

Ethics in politics?
lol In Las Vegas? Wouldn't that be like having a organic farming convention in NYC?

She and Claude never made it out of the room?
All work and no play Lois.

So, Lois’d rather be there when her parents get reacquainted in the next room?
No, she'd rather be the one everyone looks to for support, whether or not she wants to give it.

Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by Wrong Clark 186
I’ve worked you to the bone,
ER: /has some ideas of what she means by this/
CLARK: /tugs at tie/ Not quite.
LOIS: Well, come over tonight 8pm and we'll see about that.

Aww…Lois thinks that Clark’s holding her down and Clark thinks she’s his old ball and chain.
But in a good way.

His Mad Dog House?
The place where he drops his clothes on the floor?

Dr. Friskin: So, Superman, you like watching other people using their bathrooms?
SUPERMAN: No! It was empty.
LEX: You really don't know what you're missing.

/Star Wars singer/ ?
Not quite.

Maybe if Clark came down in just his red swim trunks?
They'd make him go back upstairs and put on a tie and jacket.

Is it the Vegan version of Ralph’s Pagoda?
No. Just not worth the price.

Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by Wrong Clark 186
They’re open until midnight.”
LOIS /mad that Clark didn't take her to Vegas/
CLARK: oops.

So, get a gift bag from the Vegan place but by the chocolate locally?
No, Lois doesn't want Clark's leftovers.
LOIS: I like international chocolate.

And he doesn’t think she’ll want chocolate after he explains to her that ‘no, nookie is not on the menu’?
CLARK: Hmmmm. Now that you mention that...

He’s not the most observant one, is he?
PERRY: Why do you think I never had him be a front runner on my reporting team?
Are there any 21 males who notice their friends turning into zombies? Unless there is some noogie in it for them, they're oblivious.
PERRY: I stand by what I said above.

Awww…the Dynamic Duo!
Isn't that the Gotham pair. How about the Super duo?
SUPERMAN: I work alone.
BATMAN: Hey! That's my catch phrase.
ROBIN: What am I chopped liver?

If you count in months, you’re still a boy.
clap That's not what he meant. He meant his birthday was last month.

On the other hand, Jimbo would still be there to pick up the slack.
CLARK: [Linked Image]

Like trying to get a Vegan pregnant?
Who said that Jenny was vegan?
JENNY: I eat meat.
JIMMY: [Linked Image]
JENNY: You're so weird.

Maybe a photo of himself and a lifesized Superman cardboard cutout?
CLARK: Hey, I happen to know a place where I can get one of those. But that's more of a birthday type present.
LOIS: Yo, Dan!

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.