Originally Posted by Darth Michael
EW: oh, right. I'm supposed to amp up my job search this week.
ER: /has pity on fanfic writers trying to make it in RL/ What about one of those jobs where you determine the fate of a couple of characters who keep discussing a gun all week long or suddenly turn out to be their twin brother’s long lost cousin’s wife? You’re very good at that.
I don't think that's what the local paper is looking for when they advertise for "reporter".

LOIS: And there we have *my* curse. Which one do you think will trump the other?
ER: In regard to happy wife = happy life?
The curse Lois is referring to are the men she usually ends up dating: Paul, Claude, Lex...
CLARK: Clark.
LOIS: Exactly!

JONATHAN: /arm around wife/ That man hurt our boy. He made his decision to meet the pavement.
ER: They’re a very down-to-earth couple, huh?
So people shouldn't be responsible for the decisions they make?
LEX: /lifts head off pavement/ Sounds like a good defense to me.

LOIS: No. /phishaw/ I've been called worse. They called you a boy. I have 100 headlines here which state otherwise.
ER: She referring to the Dirt Digger bringing a new interview with some skank about how Superman got her with child at least twice a week?
LOIS: No, I was referring to *of course* all MY Superman articles from the Daily Planet!

CLARK: So, Bruce, how's that little cat problem you've been having in Gotham?
BRUCE: /I've whipped it/
CATWOMAN: /purring/ I believe he means "he's whipped".

Lois points to evidence of said man cheating on her before their supposed wedding.
LEX: /points to double standard/
LOIS: /points to the fact that only SHE is allowed to make double standards/
LEX: [Linked Image]

EW: Again, no evidence. Unlike all the evidence collected at Lois's apartment regarding the Voyeur which has been linked back to Luthor.
ER: I’m sure a lot of women would testify to being voyeured by Superman.
And the proof that they aren't lying (or being hopeful) is?

PERRY: Cold hard facts. We can't help it if Luthor chose to do things which make him look bad. It's our job to report it.
ER BENDER: Always blaming the victim, huh?
PERRY: Victim? Victim? He's the suspect!

HENDERSON: My team and I never touched him.
ER BENDER: Maybe they had someone else with them to do the dirty work?
MR. MORRIS (aka Invisible Man): wave

PERRY: Just quit while you're still in the game, son.
ER: Too bad he’s not a quitter, isn’t it?
CLARK: Let’s see… I quit Rachel. Lana. That other Lois. My personal life. My own Lois. My own dimension. Did I forget something?
HOPE: wave

JIMMY: I was going for she's a.. /cough/ a lady.
ER: /this lady?/
JIMMY: No, she's not mad enough. I mean, well, look at the time... [Linked Image]

Umm…They…Umm…Turney…Umm…Tyrion & Cat? Things kind of pick up speed now that the setup is done? You already up to 6 now?
Still waiting for disc 3 (Episodes 5-6)

EW: At least the Agents of SHIELD have 5 episodes per disk.
ER: Well…naked boobies take up space?
CLARK: huh

But those are so awesome! The sun even tells the story of how the dragon came to Westeros to conquer the lands before itself fell prey to the stag, the wolf, and the lion until all the animals of the realm bowed to the noble stag. And isn’t he a glorious and inspiring figure indeed?
I can't watch them. The camera movement gives me motion sickness.

EW: /blushfully admits/ I like a couple of characters better now.
ER: OooH! Which ones? /excited/
I like the dragon lady with the blonde hair married to the wildman (especially after she stood up to her #^%$&*# brother). The daughter with the sword, who doesn't want to be a princess. The dwarf brother of the queen is a well-rounded character. Jon Snow. I guess I like underdogs.

Or did you mean the fire-breathing kind because this is has been marketed as a fantasy show?
Those would be the ones.

EW: My mom thought I should show GoT to my 7 y.o. son because of the dragons. um...
ER: Oh. Umm…Wasn’t Ned’s little girl in the catacombs and saw a dragon skull? You really do hope for the cute kind, right?
I believe she meant more the Hobbit kind.

Also, GoT is not strictly suitable for kids who aren’t yet used to watching blood and nudity and gore on TV. On a slightly related note: Even if there *were* dragons on the show, I don’t think a 7 y/o would appreciate them. Much. But everyone is telling us that the dragons have died out, so…/of course, you'll *never* see real dragons on GoT/ It’s a lot like the EW telling us that Lois is just getting fat.
Hence, not showing GoT to my children... ever! (if they're ever interested in watching it, they can download it onto their cloud screens once they've moved out after graduation). Lois isn't getting fat. huh

LOIS: [img]http://tinyurl.com/cmlq5zn[/img] /hmmm, my Lois eating chocolate bunny smilie isn't working. frown / I have no idea to what he could be referring.

CLARK: What did I do wrong now?
ER: Where should I start. Moved his lips, lately, when they haven’t been attached to Lois’s?
LOIS: You've kiss another woman! thud
CLARK: What? No! Michael! mad /takes deep breath and forgives him/ Michael was only making a joke, Lois. I would never kiss a woman who didn't look exactly like you.
LEX: hyper Me, too!
LOIS: /eyes both men suspiciously/
LEX & CLARK: [Linked Image]

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.