Oh, this is pricless! Let me guess ...

I have just returned from such a dimension, where all my efforts to repair the damage to the correct timeline proved fruitless. How sad that the Lois Lane and Clark Kent of that universe ignored the true path to their destiny. Why do the young have to run before they can walk?
Pam's "H is for Hubris"?

There was another universe, as well, where the Clark Kent in question only reluctantly acceded to my insistence that he take up the mantle as Superman. Even if his sun was the wrong spectrum, he should have understood that it is only natural to follow my suggestions!
Oh, shoot, I'm waiting for the sequel to get finished before I read the first one, but might this be Chris Carr's "An Extraordinary Man"?

At times like these, I comfort myself by remembering my successes, of which there have been so many. I recall one universe in which Kal El became an *actor*, and it took a considerable amount of careful prompting and guidance before he realised his true vocation!
LOL!! Is this Wendy's univers ... oh, shoot, what's the title? "Big Boys Do Fly"!

Too funny!
