Thanks for the links, Paul. I read the Clark letters and now I'm going to read the Lex letters, too.

-Let me comment a few things here:) :

also, let me add that you speak english very well;
Thanks blush

far better than i can speak any other language at this point (i'm a few years out of pratice).
It's natural. You have no idea how much I practice my foreign languages (although I'm still at the "learning" level).
And btw I loved the idea for Claude's last name. rotflol

-The answer to your first question:
1. should the comments folder be archived with the main story?
Hmm... I'm not sure about what to say. I also tend to say "no", but there's this "who is AltClark" thing...

I have an idea to propose you: As Carole said, use an Epilogue, starting with:

Only one thing left to do.

*AltClark takes off his glasses...
For the ending I have two suggestions:
a) Only the
... and puts on a different pair.

yep, folcs, it was i.
b) All of your first post as Hatman.

This is my idea, feel free to use it or not use it.

-The answer to your second question:
2. if you posted in the main thread (and possibly if you posted here, too), do you mind having your work archived?
Of course not! (Although my posts were not very... ehm... you know what I mean...)

Okay I think that's it (for the moment, at least)

What we've got here is failure to communicate...