
lol, and thanks. smile


i'm sorry you didn't participate, but i'm glad you enjoyed. smile i'm very glad to hear it worked so well for you. smile

Oh, and I just loved so many of the little details you worked in! The gun-laden movie versions, the amusingly alt-ered back-stories of the various characters... nice stuff!
thank you. smile that was certainly a large part of the fun for me... coming up with little throw-aways, figuring out neat little twists, trying out possibilities to see what worked best, etc. glad to hear you enjoyed it, too.

wendy said:

Well done, Paul! Ingenious twist on a concept, and very cleverly set up as a mystery/detective story. I had no idea that this is what you planned when 'AltClark' first posted, and it's been fascinating watching the mystery of Lois's whereabouts unravel. Great work!
wow, thanks! (/me suddenly wonders how many times he can say thanks in a single post without getting overly repetitive... wink ).

just funny that you should say that you didn't realize that this sort of mystery was what i'd intended. i guess some things were clear enough in my own mind that i sort of expected others to pick up on them as well. (that and my experience playing RPGs with friends led me to assume some basic rules and understandings)

which leads me to carole. i'm sorry for the misunderstanding. obviously, as i said, some things just weren't as clear as i'd thought.

PS: and Wendy...thanks a lot. Just a question, and feel free to call me dumb but, unless their registration dates appeared at the end of their post, how can I know they're only 'a few days' apart?
registration dates appear in user's profiles. you can search for a specific profile in the directory (using the link in the upper right corner of most boards pages) or you can read someone's profile by clicking on the profile link found on each post (looks like a little person standing next to a rollodex card. it's the first icon after the post's timestamp).

also, in this specific case, if you'll look carefully at altclark's first post, you can see that i mentioned the fact that wells registered a week before clark.

moving on to anna's post..

I enjoyed very much these threads (the original story and the comments). And of course I had no idea who AltClark might be... of course your name crossed my mind once, but it was not the only one...considering I know very few about the differences between UK and US English blush
i'm glad to hear you enjoyed it, and that i managed to keep you guessing. thanks for letting me know. smile

as for US vs UK english, the differences can be fairly subtle ("realize" vs "realise," for example). many wouldn't notice them at all. i certainly wouldn't expect it of someone whose native language is not english. also, let me add that you speak english very well; far better than i can speak any other language at this point (i'm a few years out of pratice).

as to audience participation fics in general, i agree; they're pretty fun. smile each one is different, based on the tone and direction the author takes and on the audience's responses. take a look at the clark letters (the first such fic in this fandom that i know of) and the lex letters (the only other one that i know of). this one is the third. each of the three was started by a different folc, each one had a different tone, each featured different characters, and each one went differently. they're all well worth the read, imo.

anyway, thanks again to everyone for your comments and participation. despite my panicking over one thing after another, i did have a lot of fun with this, too.

btw, i still haven't heard answers to my questions:

1. should the comments folder be archived with the main story?

2. if you posted in the main thread (and possibly if you posted here, too), do you mind having your work archived?

maybe it's better if i put question 2 this way:

please let me know here or by email if you don't want your post(s) archived.

also, as a follow-up to question 1:

if the comments folder is not included (for the record, i'm leaning towards not archiving it), any suggestions on how to include the "who is altclark?" explanation post?


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.