Originally posted by Christina:
Originally posted by Lady Loisette:
[b]As for fanfic, I kinda got involved accidentally, writing it anyway. My original intention was to write only one fic which I needed to write for personal reasons. After that though, more and more stories kept following. Most of my writing has been for Chuck, though I have written a few for Heroes as well.
Now you've got me curious about which Chuck stories you've written. I wrote one that by the end of the series was not really negated at all featuring General Beckman and Roan Montgomery that took place post "Chuck vs. the Seduction." I don't think I posted it anywhere but on my Livejournal but I think it ought to. It was one of the first fanfics I've ever written. I just re-read it and it still holds up (although completely unbeta-d). [/b]
Everything I've ever written is unbeta-d. I post my stories on ff.net under the name Zerectica

"Who's asking? Clark... or Superman?"