I'm with Tank on this one... I've written some for Superman movieverse (which is how I got my start over on ff.net, so I'm thankful for that, but really besides a few authors isn't really a strong fandom) and for Castle. I love Castle, it's my favorite show on tv right now, but I don't know of any really good sites for it. It's got some good fics on there, but it's so massive it's a bit hard to work through. There are some other boards that have some better organized fic, but I just really don't like them. Honestly, this is the only board I check regularly because it's so well organized and it's got the best fics. Also, Dean Cain is sexy and this show was the best, and I have OCD, so that's probablly part of it. laugh

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain