Originally posted by AngelRose:
Originally posted by Marcus Rowland:
[b] "Lots" is the answer that makes the most sense for me - I write in a lot of fandoms, mostly TV series, I started out in Buffy fandom so I'm on a discussion board that's part of Twisting the Hellmouth, the big Buffy crossover site.

I'm also involved in literary SF fandom, though not so much on line - I go to conventions etc.

I'm also on two discussion boards for laboratory technology, one for BMW motorbikes, livejournal, etc. etc.
Any 'Trek' Next Gen & later boards? [/b]
Not me - I've written one longish DS9 crossover plus a couple of drabbles, but I'm really not into the fandom intensely enough to join boards.

Marcus L. Rowland
Forgotten Futures, The Scientific Romance Role Playing Game