Lois and Clark is the only fandom I've ever participated in. Honestly, there has never been another show that I felt even remotely compelled to look into, or to get involved with.

L&C premiered when I was 13--there had been shows that I had liked by that point, but nothing that I really loved--and then I sat through the pilot episode of this show. AMAZED does not even come close to what I felt when I saw L&C the first time. I loved every aspect of it--the characters and personalities of Clark and also Lois, the developing love triangle btw them, the close family relationship btw the Kents, Lois and Clark's career and their lives living in a 'big city' (I grew up in a small town), and also the story of Clark being Superman, and his desire to live a 'normal' life. I had never seen much of anything 'Superman' at that point (barely even knew the story of the superhero)--and had originally tuned in due to seeing the commercials, with what looked like an interesting relationship btw the title characters.

Anyway, L&C has been very much a constant in my life these last 20 years--something that would take my mind off of almost anything going on, put a smile on my face, make me always laugh...

The only show that I'm currently really into is Castle--which I heard about here on the boards this fall (thanks clap

I'm very grateful that L&C has such an awesome community of fans, and likewise, such a wonderful/creative/amazing Archive and message board. I've really been spoiled--this being the only fandom that I've ever been lucky enough to be a part of smile


"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~