I've got a FB & Twitter though only use the Twitter to follow Adam Baldwin and Zachary Levi drool

I love my FB but it's strictly used for keeping in touch with people. It has definitely come in handy when I need to get current addresses for Christmas Cards. And finding out my sister is on bed rest or that close friends have just had babies (sorry, did that sound a little bitter?).

I rarely update my status because I have NOTHING interesting to say. I guess some people may find it interesting that I'm wearing jeans today and drinking a bottle of water but I surely don't.

I don't have any personal information on there like my address or phone number or even a current email address so I'm not really worried about anyone finding anything out about me.

I did have a semi-scary moment when I accepted a friend request from a guy I dated for 3 months when I was 16. Okay, I'm 28 now. It was 12 years ago. We dated for 3 months. I thought we'd have shallow conversations about what we do for a living, if we have kids, etc. Little did I know that the guy is a freak and started asking why I broke up with him and what did he do, that he just needs to know and don't worry, he's not trying to steal me away from my husband. Ummm... FREAK! Let's just say it was an eye opener that even people I know or knew can be psychos so that was when I removed all my personal information (and blocked that crazy).

Now I feel nice and safe. cool

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always
depend on the support of Paul.

-George Bernard Shaw