about couples who meet on Craigslist [Wink] . Glad to know real people do too
I've never actually posted an ad, but I used to go on because it was so funny to read some of the things people were looking for. CL is an attractor for a lot of weirdos. One in a while you'll come across someone decent without ulterior motives, but you just have to make sure your reply to them stands out because there are a bunch of escort services and 'professionals' that look for clients on there by answering every ad.

Y'all do know there's still some of us hanging out on IRC in #loisclark right? Join us!
I had no idea! I've never been. How do you get to it?

I had a very, very bad experience in the past with an on-line stalker
That's terrible! It's scary sometimes how careful we need to be on the internet how careful a lot of people (my included) aren't.

I had (about 2 months ago) a guy I chatted with online for a few weeks all of a sudden pop up out of nowhere while I was walking to school. He started talking to me and asking me if I lived around the area. He like followed me across this field to my school asking me questions about my school and where I live and what I do with my free time. I didn't even really recognize him. I thought maybe he looked similar to that guy, but I had only seen his photo and I'm terrible with faces, then about an hour later I got a text from him saying it was nice meeting me today in the park...

Just kind of goes to show that people can gather random bits of information and piece together what you do with your time and what not. I never once told him the name of my school, but I guess I told him enough about my city and what kind of classes I was taking that he figured it out.

.talk nerdy to me.