Otherwise I experience a mild anxiety when one of my friends tries to start a conversation with me through facebook chat (when is it polite to log off?
There is actually a way to turn yourself offline on the chat, so they can't even start a chat convo with you. If you need help figuring it out, I'll do a screen shot for you, but it's in the bottom right corner where your chat box pops up. Click on the settings or options (not sure what it's called off hand) and there should be an appear offline type thing.

Then MSN
How could I forget MSN! lol I used to be terrible on there too. I never log on anymore though. When someone asks if I have MSN, I laugh because I've had hotmail and MSN since I was like 10 or 11.

I had very careful parents growing up
And for good reasons too! I had careful parents too, but they always assumed I was the 'good one' because I never got into trouble at school and I was always really sick (Still am). They just assumed I wouldn't even know how to misbehave I guess. Little did they know... I learned a lot about dating and sex from chatrooms and nfic when I really shouldn't have been chatting in those kinds of rooms or reading those kinds of things.

.talk nerdy to me.